Thursday, May 30, 2013

8 Breastfeeding Apps For Your Phone

Here's a list of my favorite breastfeeding apps that I wanted to share. They were really helpful after Z was born. I don't have a need for them anymore now that my son is no longer a newborn. I do check them out from time to time. All of them are free unless you get the full version, if applicable. 

This app provides information on breastfeeding and links to online resources. You can record baby's feeding times, diaper changes, breast-pumping times, and sleep times. This was my first breastfeeding app after my son was born. I still have it saved on my phone and probably won't delete it. My log is still saved and I can't let go of it ;)

The Health Care Provider's Guide to Breastfeeding contains information about breastfeeding and is geared towards health care providers. Although I am not a health care provider, I still found valuable information regarding latch and positioning, donor milk, principles of milk supply, and medications and breastfeeding.

The Briggs Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation app is a reference guide regarding information about drugs that are safe or unsafe to take during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. They are listed in alphabetical order or by category.

Bosom Buddy Lite: Another app in which you can record baby's feeding times, diaper changes, and sleep times. It also has a built-in flashlight.

You can record baby's feeding, diapers, and sleeping times using the Baby by Smallnest app. Other features include sharing your baby's activity on your Facebook timeline and you can even invite your spouse or babysitter to help care for baby.

iBabyLog: An interactive app you can use to log the basics of baby's needs and more features including milestones, Dr visits, a to-do list and more.

Similac Baby Journal: Track breastfeeding, pumping, bottle feeding, sleep time, diaper changes and growth. Also features tips and advice.

The Nursing Log: A simple feeding log app. Features include changing background, reminders and emailing records.

There are always new apps made available, so make sure to search regularly. You might find some that are better than others.

Do you have a favorite parenting app that has helped you?

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored. I just wanted to share my opinion on different apps. Screenshots are from the Apple App Store.

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