Sunday, March 10, 2013

New Blog Layout? [UPDATE]

**Update: I redesigned my blog! :)**

I'm in the mood to change my entire blog layout and I need suggestions! 
  • How did you come up with your final blog theme? 
  • What are your favorite sites to use?

Thanks for your help. :)

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  1. Thanks for following! I'm following your blog. :)

  2. I keep looking into actually paying someone for a layout, but everyone wants over $200! crazy! So I used my codes from my "myspace" days and did what I could! lol!

    I hope you come up with a really cute one!

    -Melissa Juliet

    1. LOL! I know, that's a crazy price. I'd rather go shopping with $200. I remember those myspace editing days haha

  3. stumbled on your blog via the blog hop at:

    honestly i google "free blog layouts"
    there are SO many out there that you should not have to pay someone!

    New follower via email! :-)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Following your blog.

  4. I just Googled free blog layouts. I ended up with the Suffusion theme, because there's a lot of ways to customize it, which I liked. For my background, I searched (for days) for free use images and graphics online, until I found one I liked.

  5. My blog theme has a bit to do with my blog name - I just made the header on Picmonkey and Word and customized a Blogger template :)

    By the way, I nominated you for a Liebster Award! Congrats! You can check out the details in my latest post :)

  6. Oh..Jackie beat me to it. But I also nominated you for the Liebster Award....congrats on getting nominated twice!!! You can check mine out here...!
    I say about your layout, make it something you LOVE....if you can't do it yourself right now, start making pinterest boards on color, schemes, ideas you love....and work toward slowly changing it to that. You can do it yourself! There are lots of great tips and tricks out there, without paying for them. I say go for it!
    Thanks for a wonderful blog!
    Pam @ The Patriotic Pam

  7. You have great, content rich blog... I am surely coming back for more :-)

  8. Hi Kelly just nominated you for Beautiful Mama Blog Award. Have a look at this

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